SDM Installer ============== Contains all the scripts that are necessary for the creation of Secure Data Manager Installer. Description ----- * Packaging to jar is done with Izpack 5. The documentation of Izpack can be found [here]( The packaging with izpack is done with an Izpack Docker image: In order to pack it execute the following command: sudo docker run -v $WORKSPACE:/install --name izpack compile -b /install /install/install.xml $WORKSPACE is the location where install.xml is. After the packaging is finished you will see install.jar in the workspace folder. * The packaging from jar to exe is done with launch4j. The documentation is [here]( The packaging from jar to exe is done with a Launch4j Docker image: sudo docker run -v $WORKSPACE:/install --name launch4j java -jar /launch4j/launch4j.jar launch4j-config-file.xml $WORKSPACE is the location where install.jar file is. * Installation of SDM to Linux can be done with install.jar file. In order to install it in Linux run: sudo java -Duser.home=$HOME -jar install.jar