/* * Copyright 2018 Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA * * All rights reserved * * See our extended copyright notice in *file 'Copyright.txt' which is part of this source code package */ cryptolib.modules.homomorphic = cryptolib.modules.homomorphic || {}; cryptolib.modules.homomorphic.cipher = function(box) { 'use strict'; box.homomorphic = box.homomorphic || {}; box.homomorphic.cipher = {}; /** * A submodule that holds ElGamal cipher functionalities. * * @exports homomorphic/cipher/factory */ box.homomorphic.cipher.factory = {}; var converters, exceptions, randomFactory, mathematical, keyPairFactory; var f = function(box) { converters = new box.commons.utils.Converters(); exceptions = box.commons.exceptions; mathematical = box.commons.mathematical; randomFactory = new box.primitives.securerandom.factory.SecureRandomFactory(); keyPairFactory = new box.homomorphic.keypair.factory.KeyFactory(); }; f.policies = { primitives: { secureRandom: {provider: box.policies.homomorphic.cipher.secureRandom.provider} } }; cryptolib('commons', 'primitives.securerandom', 'homomorphic.keypair', f); /** @class */ box.homomorphic.cipher.factory.ElGamalCipherFactory = function() { }; box.homomorphic.cipher.factory.ElGamalCipherFactory.prototype = { /** * @function createEncrypter * @returns ElGamalEncrypter */ createEncrypter: function(elGamalPublicKey, cryptoRandomInteger) { if (typeof cryptoRandomInteger === 'undefined') { cryptoRandomInteger = randomFactory.getCryptoRandomInteger(); } return new ElGamalEncrypter(elGamalPublicKey, cryptoRandomInteger); }, /** * @function createDecrypter * @returns ElGamalDecrypter */ createDecrypter: function(elGamalPrivateKey) { return new ElGamalDecrypter(elGamalPrivateKey); }, /** * @function createRandomDecrypter * @returns ElGamalRandomDecrypter */ createRandomDecrypter: function(elGamalPublicKey, cryptoRandomInteger) { return new ElGamalRandomDecrypter(elGamalPublicKey, cryptoRandomInteger); } }; function validateArray(inputArray) { if (typeof inputArray === 'undefined') { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'The given array should be initialized'); } if (!(inputArray instanceof Array)) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'The given array are not from the expected type'); } if (inputArray === []) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'The given array cannot be empty'); } } /** * Defines an ElGamal encrypter. *

* The methods specified in this object allow data to be encrypted using an * implementation of the ElGamal cryptosystem. * * @class ElGamalEncrypter * @param {ElGamalPublicKey} * elGamalPublicKey The public key. * @param {Object} * cryptoRandomInteger The source of randomness. * @returns {ElGamalEncrypter} */ function ElGamalEncrypter(elGamalPublicKey, cryptoRandomInteger) { var _elGamalPublicKey = elGamalPublicKey; var _cryptoRandomInteger = cryptoRandomInteger; /** * @function getElGamalPublicKey * * @returns {ElGamalPublicKey} */ this.getElGamalPublicKey = function() { return _elGamalPublicKey; }; /** * @function getCryptoRandomInteger * * @returns {ElGamalPublicKey} */ this.getCryptoRandomInteger = function() { return _cryptoRandomInteger; }; // Private methods this._validateMessagesNotLargerThanKeySize = function(length) { if (_elGamalPublicKey.getGroupElementsArray().length < length) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'The list of messages to encrypt was larger than the number of public key elements.'); } }; this._validatePrePhisNotLargerThanKeySize = function(phis) { if (_elGamalPublicKey.getGroupElementsArray().length < phis.length) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'The list of prePhis was larger than the number of public key elements.'); } }; this._preCompute = function(useShortExponent) { var gamma; var prePhis = []; try { var publicKeyElements = _elGamalPublicKey.getGroupElementsArray(); var group = _elGamalPublicKey.getGroup(); if (useShortExponent && !group.isQuadraticResidueGroup()) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'Attempt to ElGamal encrypt using short exponent for Zp subgroup that is not of type quadratic residue.'); } var randomExponent = mathematical.groupUtils.generateRandomExponent( group, _cryptoRandomInteger, useShortExponent); gamma = group.getGenerator().exponentiate(randomExponent); // For each element in the array of public key elements, compute the // following: element: prephi[i] = pubKey[i]^(random) var pubKeyElementRaised; for (var i = 0; i < publicKeyElements.length; i++) { pubKeyElementRaised = publicKeyElements[i].exponentiate(randomExponent); prePhis.push(pubKeyElementRaised); } return new ElGamalEncrypterValues(randomExponent, gamma, prePhis); } catch (error) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'There was an error while precomputing values.', error); } }; this._compute = function(messages, computationValues) { var compressedComputationValues = compressComputationValuesIfNecessary( messages.length, computationValues); var phis = []; // For each element in the array of messages, compute the following: // element:phi[i]=message[i]*prePhi[i] for (var i = 0; i < compressedComputationValues.getPhis().length; i++) { phis.push( messages[i].multiply(compressedComputationValues.getPhis()[i])); } return new box.homomorphic.cipher.ElGamalComputationValues( compressedComputationValues.getGamma(), phis); }; this._getListAsQuadraticResidues = function(messages) { var valuesZpSubgroupElements = []; var group = _elGamalPublicKey.getGroup(); var groupElement; for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { groupElement = new mathematical.ZpGroupElement( new box.forge.jsbn.BigInteger(messages[i]), group.getP(), group.getQ()); valuesZpSubgroupElements.push(groupElement); } return valuesZpSubgroupElements; }; function compressComputationValuesIfNecessary( numMessages, computationValues) { var phis = computationValues.getPhis(); if (phis.length <= numMessages) { return computationValues; } var compressedPhiArray = mathematical.groupUtils.buildListWithCompressedFinalElement( _elGamalPublicKey.getGroup(), phis, numMessages); return new box.homomorphic.cipher.ElGamalComputationValues( computationValues.getGamma(), compressedPhiArray); } } ElGamalEncrypter.prototype = { /** * Encrypt the received list of messages (which are represented as * ZpGroupElements). *

* The length of the received list of messages must be equal to, or less * than, the length of the public key of this encrypter. If this * condition is not met, then an exception will be thrown. * * @function encryptGroupElements * * @param {Array} * messages an array of ZpGroupElements. * @param {Object} [encryptionOption] an optional input parameter. If this option is of type * {boolean}, then the encryption will be pre-computed, using * the value of the boolean to determine whether or not to * use a short random exponent for the pre-computation. If * the option is of type {ElGamalEncrypterValues} then it * will be used as the pre-computation of the encryption. * * @returns {ElGamalEncrypterValues} */ encryptGroupElements: function(messages, encryptionOption) { validateArray(messages); this._validateMessagesNotLargerThanKeySize(messages.length); var useShortExponent; var preComputedValues; if (typeof encryptionOption !== 'undefined' && typeof encryptionOption === 'boolean') { useShortExponent = encryptionOption; } else { preComputedValues = encryptionOption; } if (!preComputedValues) { preComputedValues = this._preCompute(useShortExponent); } else { var prePhis = preComputedValues.getPhis(); validateArray(prePhis); this._validatePrePhisNotLargerThanKeySize(prePhis); } var computationValues = this._compute( messages, preComputedValues.getElGamalComputationValues()); return new ElGamalEncrypterValues( preComputedValues.getR(), computationValues.getGamma(), computationValues.getPhis()); }, /** * Pre-compute the ElGamal encrypter values, based on the ElGamal public * key provided to the encrypter. * * @param {boolean} * [useShortExponent] true if a short exponent is to be used * for the pre-computations. Default value is false. * @returns {ElGamalEncrypterValues} */ preCompute: function(useShortExponent) { return this._preCompute(useShortExponent); }, /** * Encrypt the received list of messages (which are represented as * Strings). *

* The length of the received list of messages must be equal to, or less * than, the length of the public key of this encrypter. If this * condition is not met, then an exception will be thrown. * * @function encryptStrings * * @param {Array} * messages an array of strings. * @param {ElGamalEncrypterValues} * [preComputedValues] an optional parameter. If it is not * provided, then pre-computations are made. * * @returns {ElGamalEncrypterValues} the pre-computed values. */ encryptStrings: function(messages, preComputedValues) { var messagesAsGroupElements = this._getListAsQuadraticResidues(messages); if (!preComputedValues) { return this.encryptGroupElements(messagesAsGroupElements); } else { return this.encryptGroupElements( messagesAsGroupElements, preComputedValues); } } }; /** * Defines an ElGamal decrypter. * * @class ElGamalDecrypter * @param {ElGamalPrivateKey} * elGamalPrivateKey The ElGamal private key. * @returns {ElGamalDecrypter} */ function ElGamalDecrypter(elGamalPrivateKey) { function validateCorrectGroup(elGamalPrivateKey) { var exponentsArray = elGamalPrivateKey.getExponentsArray(); var group = elGamalPrivateKey.getGroup(); for (var i = 0; i < exponentsArray.length; i++) { if (!(group.getQ().equals(exponentsArray[i].getQ()))) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'Each Exponent must be of the specified group order.'); } } } validateCorrectGroup(elGamalPrivateKey); var _elGamalPrivateKey = elGamalPrivateKey; this.getElGamalPrivateKey = function() { return _elGamalPrivateKey; }; this._areGroupMembers = function(cipherText) { for (var i = 0; i < cipherText.getPhis().length; i++) { var next = cipherText.getPhis()[i]; if (!(_elGamalPrivateKey.getGroup().isGroupMember(next))) { return false; } } return true; }; this._validateCiphertextSize = function(cipherText) { if (_elGamalPrivateKey.getExponentsArray().length < cipherText.getPhis().length) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'The list of ciphertext was larger than the number of private key exponents.'); } }; this._compressKeyIfNecessary = function(numRequired) { var exponents = _elGamalPrivateKey.getExponentsArray(); var group = _elGamalPrivateKey.getGroup(); if (exponents.length <= numRequired) { return _elGamalPrivateKey; } var listWithCompressedFinalExponent = mathematical.groupUtils.buildListWithCompressedFinalExponent( group, exponents, numRequired); return keyPairFactory.createPrivateKey( listWithCompressedFinalExponent, _elGamalPrivateKey.getGroup()); }; } ElGamalDecrypter.prototype = { /** * Decrypts a ciphertext. *

* The encrypted message parameter will be a list of group elements, * encapsulated within an ComputationValues object. *

* The length of the received ciphertext (number of group elements * contained within it) must be equal to, or less than, the length of * the private key of this decrypter. If this condition is not met, then * an exception will be thrown. * * @function decrypt * * @param {Array} * cipherText the encrypted message to be decrypted. * @param {Boolean} * [confirmGroupMembership] if true, a confirmation is made that * each element in * {@code ciphertext} is a member of the mathematical group * over which this decrypter operates. Default value is false. * @returns {Array} the decrypted ciphertext. */ decrypt: function(cipherText, confirmGroupMembership) { if (confirmGroupMembership === true && !this._areGroupMembers(cipherText)) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'All values to decrypt must be group elements.'); } this._validateCiphertextSize(cipherText); var privateKeyAfterCompression = this._compressKeyIfNecessary(cipherText.getPhis().length); var plaintext = []; var negatedExponent; var exponentsArray = privateKeyAfterCompression.getExponentsArray(); for (var i = 0; i < cipherText.getPhis().length; i++) { // Compute the e = negate (-) of privKey[i] negatedExponent = exponentsArray[i].negate(); // Compute dm[i]= gamma^(e) * phi[i] plaintext.push(cipherText.getGamma() .exponentiate(negatedExponent) .multiply(cipherText.getPhis()[i])); } return plaintext; } }; /** * Defines an ElGamal decrypter that can be used to decrypt some ciphertext, * given the public key and the source of randomness used to generate the * ciphertext. * * @class ElGamalRandomDecrypter * @param {ElGamalPublicKey} * elGamalPublicKey The ElGamal public key. * @param {Object} cryptoRandomInteger The source of randomness. * @returns {ElGamalDecrypter} The ElGamal decrypter. */ function ElGamalRandomDecrypter(elGamalPublicKey, cryptoRandomInteger) { function validateCorrectGroup(elGamalPublicKey) { var elementsArray = elGamalPublicKey.getGroupElementsArray(); var group = elGamalPublicKey.getGroup(); for (var i = 0; i < elementsArray.length; i++) { if (!(group.getP().equals(elementsArray[i].getP()))) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'Each element must be of the specified group modulus.'); } if (!(group.getQ().equals(elementsArray[i].getQ()))) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'Each element must be of the specified group order.'); } } } validateCorrectGroup(elGamalPublicKey); var _elGamalPublicKey = elGamalPublicKey; var _cryptoRandomInteger = cryptoRandomInteger; this.getElGamalPublicKey = function() { return _elGamalPublicKey; }; this.getCryptoRandomInteger = function() { return _cryptoRandomInteger; }; this._areGroupMembers = function(cipherText) { for (var i = 0; i < cipherText.getPhis().length; i++) { var next = cipherText.getPhis()[i]; if (!(_elGamalPublicKey.getGroup().isGroupMember(next))) { return false; } } return true; }; this._validateCiphertextSize = function(cipherText) { if (_elGamalPublicKey.getGroupElementsArray().length < cipherText.getPhis().length) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'The list of ciphertext was larger than the number of public key elements.'); } }; this._compressKeyIfNecessary = function(numRequired) { var publicKeyElements = _elGamalPublicKey.getGroupElementsArray(); var group = _elGamalPublicKey.getGroup(); if (publicKeyElements.length <= numRequired) { return _elGamalPublicKey; } var listWithCompressedFinalElement = mathematical.groupUtils.buildListWithCompressedFinalElement( group, publicKeyElements, numRequired); return keyPairFactory.createPublicKey( listWithCompressedFinalElement, _elGamalPublicKey.getGroup()); }; } ElGamalRandomDecrypter.prototype = { /** * Decrypts a ciphertext, using the public key and the source of randomness * used to generate the ciphertext.

The encrypted message parameter will * be a list of group elements, encapsulated within an ComputationValues * object.

The length of the received ciphertext (number of group * elements contained within it) must be equal to, or less than, the length * of the public key of this decrypter. If this condition is not met, then * an exception will be thrown. * * @function decrypt * * @param {Array} * cipherText the encrypted message to be decrypted. * @param {Boolean} * [confirmGroupMembership] if true, a confirmation is made that * each element in * {@code ciphertext} is a member of the mathematical group * over which this decrypter operates. Default value is false. * @param {boolean} * [useShortExponent] set to true if a short exponent was used * for the encryption. Default value is false. * @returns {Array} the decrypted messages. */ decrypt: function(cipherText, confirmGroupMembership, useShortExponent) { if (confirmGroupMembership === true && !this._areGroupMembers(cipherText)) { throw new exceptions.CryptoLibException( 'All values to decrypt must be group elements.'); } if (typeof useShortExponent === 'undefined') { useShortExponent = false; } this._validateCiphertextSize(cipherText); var publicKeyAfterCompression = this._compressKeyIfNecessary(cipherText.getPhis().length); var group = publicKeyAfterCompression.getGroup(); var publicKeyElements = publicKeyAfterCompression.getGroupElementsArray(); var plaintext = []; var negatedExponent; var randomExponent = mathematical.groupUtils.generateRandomExponent( group, this.getCryptoRandomInteger(), useShortExponent); negatedExponent = randomExponent.negate(); for (var i = 0; i < cipherText.getPhis().length; i++) { // Compute dm[i]= publicKeyElement^(-e) * phi[i] plaintext.push(publicKeyElements[i] .exponentiate(negatedExponent) .multiply(cipherText.getPhis()[i])); } return plaintext; } }; /** * Class which encapsulates an 'r' value (random exponent) and a set of * ElGamal encryption values (a gamma value and a list of phi values). * * @class ElGamalEncrypterValues * @param {Exponent} * exponent the Exponent to set. * @param {ZpGroupElement} * gamma the gamma (first element) of the ciphertext. * @param {Array} * phis the phi values of the ciphertext. * @returns {ElGamalEncrypterValues} */ function ElGamalEncrypterValues(exponent, gamma, phis) { var _r = exponent; var _gamma = gamma; var _phis = phis; /** * @function * * @returns {Exponent} */ this.getR = function() { return _r; }; /** * @function * * @returns {ZpGroupElement} */ this.getGamma = function() { return _gamma; }; /** * @function * * @returns {Array} */ this.getPhis = function() { return _phis; }; this.getElGamalComputationValues = function() { return new box.homomorphic.cipher.ElGamalComputationValues(_gamma, _phis); }; } box.homomorphic.cipher.ElGamalEncrypterValues = ElGamalEncrypterValues; /** * Encapsulates encryption parameters. *

* These parameters should have been generated as defined below: *


* Note that p, q, and g are received within the mathematical group. * * * @class EncryptionParameters * @param {ZpSubgroup} * group the group of the encryption parameters. * * @returns {EncryptionParameters} */ box.homomorphic.cipher.EncryptionParameters = function(group) { var _group = group; /** * @function * * @returns {ZpSubgroup} */ this.getEncParamGroup = function() { return _group; }; }; /** * Class which encapsulates a gamma and a set of phi values that are Zp * subgroup elements. * * @class ElGamalComputationValues * @param {ZpGroupElement} * gamma the gamma (first element) of the ciphertext. * @param {Array} * phis the phi values of the ciphertext. */ box.homomorphic.cipher.ElGamalComputationValues = function(gamma, phis) { this._gamma = gamma; this._phis = phis; }; box.homomorphic.cipher.ElGamalComputationValues.prototype = { getGamma: function() { return this._gamma; }, getPhis: function() { return this._phis; }, stringify: function() { var phis = Array(); for (var i = 0; i < this._phis.length; i++) { phis[i] = converters.base64FromBigInteger(this._phis[i].getElementValue()); } return JSON.stringify({ ciphertext: { p: converters.base64FromBigInteger(this._gamma.getP()), q: converters.base64FromBigInteger(this._gamma.getQ()), gamma: converters.base64FromBigInteger(this._gamma.getElementValue()), phis: phis } }); } }; box.homomorphic.cipher.deserializeElGamalComputationValues = function( serializedObject) { var valuesJson = JSON.parse(serializedObject).ciphertext; var p = converters.base64ToBigInteger(valuesJson.p); var q = converters.base64ToBigInteger(valuesJson.q); var gamma = new mathematical.ZpGroupElement( converters.base64ToBigInteger(valuesJson.gamma), p, q); var phis = []; for (var i = 0; i < valuesJson.phis.length; i++) { phis.push(new mathematical.ZpGroupElement( converters.base64ToBigInteger(valuesJson.phis[i]), p, q)); } return new box.homomorphic.cipher.ElGamalComputationValues(gamma, phis); }; };