package hudson.plugins.ec2; import hudson.Util; import hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer; import; import java.util.Collections; import org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpRedirect; import org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class EC2Computer extends SlaveComputer { /** * Cached description of this EC2 instance. Lazily fetched. */ private volatile Instance ec2InstanceDescription; public EC2Computer(EC2Slave slave) { super(slave); } @Override public EC2Slave getNode() { return (EC2Slave)super.getNode(); } public String getInstanceId() { return getName(); } /** * Gets the EC2 console output. */ public String getConsoleOutput() throws AmazonClientException { AmazonEC2 ec2 = EC2Cloud.get().connect(); GetConsoleOutputRequest request = new GetConsoleOutputRequest(getInstanceId()); return ec2.getConsoleOutput(request).getOutput(); } /** * Obtains the instance state description in EC2. * *

* This method returns a cached state, so it's not suitable to check {@link Instance#getState()} * and {@link Instance#getStateCode()} from the returned instance (but all the other fields are valid as it won't change.) * * The cache can be flushed using {@link #updateInstanceDescription()} */ public Instance describeInstance() throws AmazonClientException { if(ec2InstanceDescription==null) ec2InstanceDescription = _describeInstance(); return ec2InstanceDescription; } /** * This will flush any cached description held by {@link #describeInstance()}. */ public Instance updateInstanceDescription() throws AmazonClientException { return ec2InstanceDescription = _describeInstance(); } /** * Gets the current state of the instance. * *

* Unlike {@link #describeInstance()}, this method always return the current status by calling EC2. */ public InstanceState getState() throws AmazonClientException { ec2InstanceDescription=_describeInstance(); return InstanceState.find(ec2InstanceDescription.getState().getName()); } /** * Number of milli-secs since the instance was started. */ public long getUptime() throws AmazonClientException { return System.currentTimeMillis()-describeInstance().getLaunchTime().getTime(); } /** * Returns uptime in the human readable form. */ public String getUptimeString() throws AmazonClientException { return Util.getTimeSpanString(getUptime()); } private Instance _describeInstance() throws AmazonClientException { DescribeInstancesRequest request = new DescribeInstancesRequest(); request.setInstanceIds(Collections.singletonList(getNode().getInstanceId())); return EC2Cloud.get().connect().describeInstances(request).getReservations().get(0).getInstances().get(0); } /** * When the slave is deleted, terminate the instance. */ @Override public HttpResponse doDoDelete() throws IOException { checkPermission(DELETE); if (getNode() != null) getNode().terminate(); return new HttpRedirect(".."); } /** What username to use to run root-like commands * */ public String getRemoteAdmin() { return getNode().getRemoteAdmin(); } public int getSshPort() { return getNode().getSshPort(); } public String getRootCommandPrefix() { return getNode().getRootCommandPrefix(); } }