/* * Copyright 2018 Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA * * All rights reserved * * See our extended copyright notice in *file 'Copyright.txt' which is part of this source code package */ describe("Voting card set service", function () { var votingCardSetService, httpBackend; beforeEach(module("votingCardSet")); beforeEach(inject(function (_votingCardSetService_, $httpBackend) { votingCardSetService = _votingCardSetService_; httpBackend = $httpBackend; })); it("should change status", function () { // Define a minimal voting card set. var votingCardSet = { id: "votingCard", electionEvent: { id: "electionEvent" }, status: 'LOCKED' }; // Attempt to chage status. httpBackend.whenPUT("/votingcardset/electionevent/electionEvent/votingcardset/votingCardSet").respond({ data: { status: 'PRECOMPUTED' } }); votingCardSetService.changeStatus(votingCardSet, "PRECOMPUTED").then(function(data) { expect(data.status).toEqual('PRECOMPUTED'); }); httpBackend.flush(); }); });