# WARNING! As of June, 2018, this library has become **DEPRECATED**. There are no plans to remove it, but it will no longer be maintained. It has been replaced by an `npm` publishable version of `cryptolib-js` whose source code is also located in the project `scytl-cryptolib`, with folder names that follow the pattern `cryptolib-js-*` (for example, `cryptolib-js-securerandom`). The module `cryptolib-js-buildtools` is used to publish these modules to Nexus. The URL where the library is published is and the library may be `npm` installed via the following module names: `scytl-*` (where: `*`=`codec`, `bitwise`, `cryptopolicy`, `securerandom`, `messagedigest`, `pbkdf`, `symmetric`, `asymmetric`, `certificate`, `digitalenvelope`, `keystore`, `mathematical`, `elgamal`, `zkproof`). Please use this version of `crytolib-js` for all of your future projects and convert any of your existing projects to this version, when time allows. # Cryptolib-JS - A quick start to the Scytl javascript cryptography library # Released artifacts CryptoLib JS and Forge are released in a zip file, located at http://bcngpp1vsprdcitest.scytl.net:8080/job/COMM-alice-and-bobs-scytl-cryptoLib-js-master/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/dist/ Folder labeled ‘lib’ has crypto-lib.js and ‘sample/vendor/forge.min’ includes index.js # Html setup Html page used to render JS code should declare Forge and CryptoLib JS: ```html From released zip file<--> From released zip file<--> From https://scm.scytl.net/stash/projects/COMM/repos/scytl-cryptolib-js/browse/src/lib/cryptolib.spec.js<--> Your code goes there<--> ``` 3rd resource declared here refers to properties file for policy, that should be based on https://scm.scytl.net/stash/projects/COMM/repos/scytl-cryptolib-js/browse/src/lib/cryptolib.spec.js Last one refers to usage example detailed at continuation. So with such an html header set, javascript functions from 'myTestCode.js' can be called when an html event happens (e.g. clicking a button). Custom functions are then in charge of calling CryptoLib JS modules. # Symmetric service Unit tests (files named '*.spec.js') are another good starting point in order to find examples of JS code snippets involving CryptoLib JS, at location: https://scm.scytl.net/stash/projects/COMM/repos/scytl-cryptolib-js/browse/src/lib ## How to getSecretKeyForEncryption (full example) ``` javascript function testGetSecretKeyForEncryption() { cryptoPRNG.startEntropyCollection(); //in a production environment, entropy source events take place before stopping entropy collection cryptoPRNG.stopEntropyCollectionAndCreatePRNG(); cryptolib('symmetric.service', function(box) { var cryptoSecretKey = box.symmetric.service.getSecretKeyForEncryption(); //send SecretKey to html document.form1.symmetricKey.value = cryptoSecretKey; }); } ``` Note that html would need the following to trigger this function: ``` html
``` ## How to getSecretKeyForMac (from unit test) ``` javascript cryptolib('symmetric.service', function(box) { var secretKey = box.symmetric.service.getSecretKeyForMac(); }); ``` ## How to encrypt and decrypt (from unit test) ``` javascript cryptolib('symmetric.service', 'commons.utils', function(box) { // generate a secret key var secretKeyB64 = box.symmetric.service.getSecretKeyForEncryption(); // encrypt and decrypt data var converters = new box.commons.utils.Converters(); var dataB64 = converters.base64Encode("anyString"); var encryptedDataBase64 = box.symmetric.service.encrypt(secretKeyB64, dataB64); var decryptedDataBase64 = box.symmetric.service.decrypt(secretKeyB64, encryptedDataBase64); }); ``` ## How to getMac and verifyMac (from unit test) ``` javascript cryptolib('symmetric.service', 'commons.utils', function(box) { // generate a secret key var secretKeyB64 = box.symmetric.service.getSecretKeyForMac(); // encrypt and decrypt data var converters = new box.commons.utils.Converters(); var dataB64 = converters.base64Encode("anyString"); var macB64 = box.symmetric.service.getMac(secretKeyB64, [dataB64]); var verified = box.symmetric.service.verifyMac(macB64, secretKeyB64, [dataB64]); }); ``` # Asymmetric service ## How to getKeyPairForEncryption (from unit test) ``` javascript cryptolib('asymmetric.service', function(box) { var encryptionKeyPair = box.asymmetric.service.getKeyPairForEncryption(); }); ``` ## How to encrypt and decrypt (from unit test) ``` javascript cryptolib('asymmetric.service', 'commons.utils', function(box) { var converters = new box.commons.utils.Converters(); var dataB64= converters.base64Encode("anyString"); var publicKeyB64="placeYourPublicKeyHere"; var privateKeyB64="placeYourPrivateKeyHere"; var encryptedDataB64 = box.asymmetric.service.encrypt(publicKeyB64, dataB64); var decryptedDataB64 = box.asymmetric.service.decrypt(privateKeyB64, encryptedDataB64); }); ``` ## How to sign and verifySignature (from unit test) ``` javascript cryptolib('asymmetric.service', 'commons.utils', function(box) { var converters = new box.commons.utils.Converters(); var dataB64 = converters.base64Encode("anyString"); var arrayDataBase64 = [dataB64]; var publicKeyB64="placeYourPublicKeyHere"; var privateKeyB64="placeYourPrivateKeyHere"; var signatureBase64 = box.asymmetric.service.sign(privateKeyB64, arrayDataBase64); var verified = box.asymmetric.service.verifySignature(signatureBase64, publicKeyB64, arrayDataBase64); }); ``` ## How to verifyXmlSignature (from QA interface) ``` javascript function xmlSigVerification() { cryptoPRNG.startEntropyCollection(); var htmlpublicKey = document.form1.publicKey.value.toString(); var htmlsignatureParentNode = document.form1.signatureParentNode.value.toString(); var htmlxmlfile = document.form1.xmlfile.value.toString(); cryptoPRNG.stopEntropyCollectionAndCreatePRNG(); cryptolib('*', function(box) { var abCert = box.forge.pki.certificateFromPem(htmlpublicKey, true); var publicKey = abCert.publicKey; verificationResult = box.asymmetric.service.verifyXmlSignature(publicKey, htmlxmlfile, htmlsignatureParentNode); }); } ``` # Certificates service ## How to load (from unit test) ``` javascript cryptolib('certificates', function (box) { var myX509pemCertificate = "placeYourX509PemCertificateHere"; var loadedCertificate = new box.certificates.service.load(myX509pemCertificate); }); ``` ## How to validateCertificate (from unit test) ``` javascript var myX509pemCertificate = "placeYourX509PemCertificateHere"; cryptolib('certificates', function(box) { var validationData = { subject: { commonName: "Subject CN", organization: "Subject Org", organizationUnit: "Subject Org Unit", country: "Subject Country" } }; var validator = new box.certificates.CryptoX509CertificateValidator(validationData); var failedValidations = validator.validate(myX509pemCertificate); }); ``` ## How to validateX509CertificateChain (from unit test) ``` javascript cryptolib('certificates', function(box) { var certificateChain = { leaf: { pem: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----", keytype: "Sign", subject: { commonName: "leafCommonName", organization: "leafOrganization", organizationUnit: "leafOrganizationUnit", country: "ES" }, time: "2014-12-25'T'00:00:00Z" }, root: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----", certificates: { pems: [ "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----" ], subjects: [ { commonName: "intermediateCommonName", organization: "intermediateOrganization", organizationUnit: "intermediateOrganizationUnit", country: "ES" } ] } }; var validationFailed = box.certificates.service.validateX509CertificateChain(certificateChain); }); ``` ## How to flattenFailedValidations (from unit test) ``` javascript cryptolib('certificates', function(box) { var failedValidations = box.certificates.service.validateX509CertificateChain(certificateChain); var flattenFailedValidations = box.certificates.service.flattenFailedValidations(failedValidations); }); ``` # Proof service Unit tests (files named '*.spec.js') are another good starting point in order to find examples of JS code snippets involving CryptoLib JS, at location: https://scm.scytl.net/stash/projects/COMM/repos/scytl-cryptolib-js/browse/src/lib ## How to createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof: ``` javascript var proof = box.proofs.service.createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof( primaryCiphertext, primaryPublicKey, witness, secondaryCiphertext, secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup); ``` ## How to createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof with precomputed values: ``` javascript var preComputedValues = box.proofs.service.preComputeSimplePlaintextEqualityProof( primaryPublicKey, secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup); var proof = box.proofs.service.createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof( primaryCiphertext, primaryPublicKey, witness, secondaryCiphertext, secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup, preComputedValues); ``` preComputedValues´s type is box.proofs.ProofPreComputedValues. ## How to createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof with progress meter: ``` javascript var proof = box.proofs.service.createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof( primaryCiphertext, primaryPublicKey, witness, secondaryCiphertext, secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup, progressCallback, progressPercentMinCheckInterval); ``` ## How to createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof with precomputed values with progress meter: ``` javascript var preComputedValues = box.proofs.service.preComputeSimplePlaintextEqualityProof( primaryPublicKey, secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup, progressCallback, progressPercentMinCheckInterval); var proof = box.proofs.service.createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof( primaryCiphertext, primaryPublicKey, witness, secondaryCiphertext, secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup, preComputedValues); ``` # More examples More examples of html pages used by QA can be found at 2 places: - integrated level, ready for testing (this depends on jenkins job execution status and can be out of order) : http://bcngpp1vsprdcitest.scytl.net:8080/view/Alice%20and%20Bobs/job/COMM-alice-and-bobs-scytl-qa-cryptoLibClient-master/ws/from-scratch/target/appassembler/webapp/ - repository level: https://scm.scytl.net/stash/projects/COMM/repos/scytl-qa-cryptolibclient/browse/from-scratch/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF # Library technical design [Read more »](libraryDesign.md) # Versions [Read more »](versioning-scytl-projects.md) # Changelog Use of conventional-changelog grunt plugin [Read more »](conventional-changelog.md), based by this commit conventions [Read more »](commit-conventions.md)