/* * Copyright 2018 Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA * * All rights reserved * * See our extended copyright notice in *file 'Copyright.txt' which is part of this source code package */ describe('Proofs service ...', function() { 'use strict'; // Initialize variables common to all proof tests. beforeEach(initializeTestVars); // OR-proof tests. describe('should be able to ..', function() { var public_key_length = 1; var num_elements = 5; var max_data_length = 30; var num_progress_checks = num_elements * 2; var initialized = false; var publicKey; var elements; var index; var ciphertext; var witness; var data; var proof; var preComputedValues; var anotherElements; var anotherPublicKey; var anotherCiphertext; var anotherWitness; var aLongerPublicKey; var aLongerCiphertext; var aShorterElements; var aLongerElements; // Initialize variables common to OR-proof tests. beforeEach(function() { if (!initialized) { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { publicKey = generateElGamalKeyPair(public_key_length).getPublicKey(); elements = generatePlaintext(num_elements); index = generateRandomInteger(0, (num_elements - 1)); ciphertext = generateCiphertext(publicKey, [elements[index]]); witness = ciphertext.getR(); var dataLength = generateRandomInteger(1, max_data_length); data = generateRandomString(dataLength); proof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); preComputedValues = box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof( publicKey, num_elements, _zpSubgroup); do { anotherElements = generatePlaintext(num_elements); } while (anotherElements.equals(elements) || anotherElements[index].equals(elements[index])); do { anotherPublicKey = generateElGamalKeyPair(public_key_length).getPublicKey(); } while (anotherPublicKey.getGroupElementsArray().equals( publicKey.getGroupElementsArray())); anotherCiphertext = generateCiphertext(anotherPublicKey, [elements[index]]); anotherWitness = anotherCiphertext.getR(); do { aLongerPublicKey = generateElGamalKeyPair(public_key_length + 1).getPublicKey(); } while (aLongerPublicKey.getGroupElementsArray().equals( publicKey.getGroupElementsArray())); aLongerCiphertext = generateCiphertext(aLongerPublicKey, [elements[0], elements[1]]); aShorterElements = generatePlaintext(1); aLongerElements = []; aLongerElements.addAll(elements); aLongerElements.push(elements[0]); }); initialized = true; } }); it('generate and verify an OR-proof', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, proof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('and generate and verify an OR-proof, using pre-computed values', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, preComputedValues); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('and generate and verify an OR-proof, using an empty string for the data option', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, '', _zpSubgroup); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, '', anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('and generate and verify an OR-proof, using null for the data option', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, null, _zpSubgroup); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, null, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('and generate and verify an OR-proof, using null for the pre-computed values option', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, null); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('generate and verify an OR-proof, using serialization', function() { cryptolib('commons.mathematical', 'proofs', function(box) { var proofAsJson = proof.stringify(); var proofFromJson = box.proofs.utils.deserializeProof(proofAsJson); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, proofFromJson, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('generate and verify an OR-proof, using pre-computed values and serialization', function() { cryptolib('commons.mathematical', 'proofs', function(box) { var preComputedValuesAsJson = preComputedValues.stringify(); var preComputedValuesFromJson = box.proofs.utils.deserializeProofPreComputedValues( preComputedValuesAsJson); var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, preComputedValuesFromJson); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('and measure progress when generating an OR-proof', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { initializeProgressMeter(); var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, progressCallback, PROGRESS_PERCENT_MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL); expect(_progressPercentSum) .toBe(getProgressPercentSum( num_progress_checks, PROGRESS_PERCENT_MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL)); expect(_progressPercentLatest).toBe(100); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('and measure progress when pre-computing an OR-proof', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { initializeProgressMeter(); preComputedValues = box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof( publicKey, num_elements, _zpSubgroup, progressCallback, PROGRESS_PERCENT_MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL); expect(_progressPercentSum) .toBe(getProgressPercentSum( num_progress_checks, PROGRESS_PERCENT_MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL)); expect(_progressPercentLatest).toBe(100); var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, preComputedValues); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('and measure progress when verifying an OR-proof', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { initializeProgressMeter(); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, proof, _zpSubgroup, progressCallback, PROGRESS_PERCENT_MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL); expect(verification).toBeTruthy(); expect(_progressPercentSum) .toBe(getProgressPercentSum( num_progress_checks, PROGRESS_PERCENT_MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL)); expect(_progressPercentLatest).toBe(100); }); }); it('and fail to verify an OR-proof that was generated with the wrong public key', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( anotherPublicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( anotherPublicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it('and fail to verify an OR-proof that was generated with the wrong ciphertext', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, anotherCiphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, anotherCiphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it('and fail to verify an OR-proof that was generated with the wrong witness', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, anotherWitness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it('and fail to verify an OR-proof that was generated with the wrong elements', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, anotherElements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, anotherElements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it('and fail to verify an OR-proof that was pre-computed with the wrong public key', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherPreComputedValues = box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof( anotherPublicKey, num_elements, _zpSubgroup); var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, anotherPreComputedValues); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it('and fail to verify an OR-proof that was pre-computed and generated with the wrong public key', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var anotherPreComputedValues = box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof( anotherPublicKey, num_elements, _zpSubgroup); var anotherProof = box.proofs.service.createORProof( anotherPublicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, anotherPreComputedValues); var verification = box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( anotherPublicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, anotherProof, _zpSubgroup); expect(verification).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof, using null input data', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( null, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, null, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, null, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, null, index, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, null, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, null); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof, using the wrong mathematical group', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _anotherzpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof, using a public key with more than one element', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( aLongerPublicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof, using a ciphertext with more than two elements', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, aLongerCiphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof, using less than two elements', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, aShorterElements, index, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof, using a negative index', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, -1, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof, using an index that is greater than the number of elements minus one', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, num_elements, data, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof from pre-computed values, using too many elements', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, aLongerElements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, preComputedValues); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof, using a progress callback function that is not a function', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, PROGRESS_PERCENT_MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when generating an OR-proof, using a progress percent check interval that is not a number', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var percentMeasuredLatest = 0; var progressCallback = function(progressPercent) { percentMeasuredLatest = progressPercent; }; expect(function() { box.proofs.service.createORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, witness, elements, index, data, _zpSubgroup, progressCallback, progressCallback); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when pre-computing an OR-proof, using null input data', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof( null, num_elements, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof(publicKey, null, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof( publicKey, num_elements, null); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when pre-computing an OR-proof, using a public key with more than one element', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof( aLongerPublicKey, num_elements, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when pre-computing an OR-proof, using less than two elements', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof(publicKey, 1, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when pre-computing an OR-proof, using a progress callback function that is not a function', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof( publicKey, num_elements, _zpSubgroup, PROGRESS_PERCENT_MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when pre-computing an OR-proof, using a progress percent check interval that is not a number', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var percentMeasuredLatest = 0; var progressCallback = function(progressPercent) { percentMeasuredLatest = progressPercent; }; expect(function() { box.proofs.service.preComputeORProof( publicKey, num_elements, _zpSubgroup, progressCallback, progressCallback); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when verifying an OR-proof, using null input data', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( null, ciphertext, elements, data, proof, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, null, elements, data, proof, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, null, data, proof, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, null, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, proof, null); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when verifying an OR-proof, using the wrong mathematical group', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, proof, _anotherZpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when verifying an OR-proof, using a public key with more than one element', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( aLongerPublicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, proof, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when verifying an OR-proof, using a ciphertext with more than two elements', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, aLongerCiphertext, elements, data, proof, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when verifying an OR-proof, using less than two elements', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, aShorterElements, data, proof, _zpSubgroup); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when verifying an OR-proof, using a progress callback function that is not a function', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, proof, _zpSubgroup, PROGRESS_PERCENT_MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL); }).toThrow(); }); }); it('and throw an exception when verifying an OR-proof, using a progress percent check interval that is not a number', function() { cryptolib('proofs.service', function(box) { var percentMeasuredLatest = 0; var progressCallback = function(progressPercent) { percentMeasuredLatest = progressPercent; }; expect(function() { box.proofs.service.verifyORProof( publicKey, ciphertext, elements, data, proof, _zpSubgroup, progressCallback, progressCallback); }).toThrow(); }); }); }); });