Swisspost 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
lib 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
spec 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
.jshintrc 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
Gruntfile.js 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
LICENSE 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
THIRD-PARTY.txt 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
banner.js 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
karma.conf.js 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
package-lock.json 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
package.json 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky
pom.xml 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication před 5 roky


As of June, 2018, this library has become DEPRECATED. There are no plans to remove it, but it will no longer be maintained. It has been replaced by an npm publishable version of cryptolib-js whose source code is also located in the project scytl-cryptolib, with folder names that follow the pattern cryptolib-js-* (for example, cryptolib-js-securerandom). The module cryptolib-js-buildtools is used to publish these modules to Nexus. The URL where the library is published is and the library may be npm installed via the following module names: scytl-* (where: *=codec, bitwise, cryptopolicy, securerandom, messagedigest, pbkdf, symmetric, asymmetric, certificate, digitalenvelope, keystore, mathematical, elgamal, zkproof). Please use this version of crytolib-js for all of your future projects and convert any of your existing projects to this version, when time allows.

Cryptolib-JS - A quick start to the Scytl javascript cryptography library

Released artifacts

CryptoLib JS and Forge are released in a zip file, located at

Folder labeled ‘lib’ has crypto-lib.js and ‘sample/vendor/forge.min’ includes index.js

Html setup

Html page used to render JS code should declare Forge and CryptoLib JS:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="../sample/vendor/forge.min/index.js"></script><!-->From released zip file<-->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/crypto-lib.js"></script><!-->From released zip file<-->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="myTestPolicyProperties.js"></script><!-->From<-->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="myTestCode.js"></script><!-->Your code goes there<-->

3rd resource declared here refers to properties file for policy, that should be based on

Last one refers to usage example detailed at continuation. So with such an html header set, javascript functions from 'myTestCode.js' can be called when an html event happens (e.g. clicking a button). Custom functions are then in charge of calling CryptoLib JS modules.

Symmetric service

Unit tests (files named '*.spec.js') are another good starting point in order to find examples of JS code snippets involving CryptoLib JS, at location:

How to getSecretKeyForEncryption (full example)

function testGetSecretKeyForEncryption() {
    //in a production environment, entropy source events take place before stopping entropy collection
    cryptolib('symmetric.service', function(box) {
        var cryptoSecretKey = box.symmetric.service.getSecretKeyForEncryption();
        //send SecretKey to html
        document.form1.symmetricKey.value = cryptoSecretKey;

Note that html would need the following to trigger this function:

<input type="button" value="Symmetric Key Generator" onClick="testGetSecretKeyForEncryption();"/><br/>
<textarea name="symmetricKey" rows="10" cols="72">

How to getSecretKeyForMac (from unit test)

cryptolib('symmetric.service', function(box) {
  var secretKey = box.symmetric.service.getSecretKeyForMac();

How to encrypt and decrypt (from unit test)

cryptolib('symmetric.service', 'commons.utils', function(box) {
    // generate a secret key
    var secretKeyB64 = box.symmetric.service.getSecretKeyForEncryption();
    // encrypt and decrypt data
    var converters = new box.commons.utils.Converters();
    var dataB64 = converters.base64Encode("anyString");
    var encryptedDataBase64 = box.symmetric.service.encrypt(secretKeyB64, dataB64);
    var decryptedDataBase64 = box.symmetric.service.decrypt(secretKeyB64, encryptedDataBase64);

How to getMac and verifyMac (from unit test)

cryptolib('symmetric.service', 'commons.utils', function(box) {
    // generate a secret key
    var secretKeyB64 = box.symmetric.service.getSecretKeyForMac();
    // encrypt and decrypt data
    var converters = new box.commons.utils.Converters();
    var dataB64 = converters.base64Encode("anyString");
    var macB64 = box.symmetric.service.getMac(secretKeyB64, [dataB64]);
    var verified = box.symmetric.service.verifyMac(macB64, secretKeyB64, [dataB64]);

Asymmetric service

How to getKeyPairForEncryption (from unit test)

cryptolib('asymmetric.service', function(box) {
    var encryptionKeyPair = box.asymmetric.service.getKeyPairForEncryption();

How to encrypt and decrypt (from unit test)

cryptolib('asymmetric.service', 'commons.utils', function(box) {
    var converters = new box.commons.utils.Converters();
    var dataB64= converters.base64Encode("anyString");
    var publicKeyB64="placeYourPublicKeyHere";
    var privateKeyB64="placeYourPrivateKeyHere";
    var encryptedDataB64 = box.asymmetric.service.encrypt(publicKeyB64, dataB64);
    var decryptedDataB64 = box.asymmetric.service.decrypt(privateKeyB64, encryptedDataB64);

How to sign and verifySignature (from unit test)

cryptolib('asymmetric.service', 'commons.utils', function(box) {
    var converters = new box.commons.utils.Converters();
    var dataB64 = converters.base64Encode("anyString");
    var arrayDataBase64 = [dataB64];
    var publicKeyB64="placeYourPublicKeyHere";
    var privateKeyB64="placeYourPrivateKeyHere";
    var signatureBase64 = box.asymmetric.service.sign(privateKeyB64, arrayDataBase64);
    var verified = box.asymmetric.service.verifySignature(signatureBase64, publicKeyB64, arrayDataBase64);

How to verifyXmlSignature (from QA interface)

function xmlSigVerification() {
    var htmlpublicKey = document.form1.publicKey.value.toString();
    var htmlsignatureParentNode = document.form1.signatureParentNode.value.toString();
    var htmlxmlfile = document.form1.xmlfile.value.toString();
    cryptolib('*', function(box) {
      var abCert = box.forge.pki.certificateFromPem(htmlpublicKey, true);
      var publicKey = abCert.publicKey;
      verificationResult = box.asymmetric.service.verifyXmlSignature(publicKey, htmlxmlfile, htmlsignatureParentNode);

Certificates service

How to load (from unit test)

cryptolib('certificates', function (box) {
    var myX509pemCertificate = "placeYourX509PemCertificateHere";
    var loadedCertificate = new box.certificates.service.load(myX509pemCertificate);

How to validateCertificate (from unit test)

var myX509pemCertificate = "placeYourX509PemCertificateHere";
cryptolib('certificates', function(box) {
    var validationData = {
        subject: {
            commonName: "Subject CN",
            organization: "Subject Org",
            organizationUnit: "Subject Org Unit",
            country: "Subject Country"
    var validator = new box.certificates.CryptoX509CertificateValidator(validationData);
    var failedValidations = validator.validate(myX509pemCertificate);

How to validateX509CertificateChain (from unit test)

cryptolib('certificates', function(box) {
    var certificateChain = {
      leaf: {
          pem: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----",
          keytype: "Sign",
          subject: {
              commonName: "leafCommonName",
              organization: "leafOrganization",
              organizationUnit: "leafOrganizationUnit",
              country: "ES"
          time: "2014-12-25'T'00:00:00Z"
      root: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----",
      certificates: {
          pems: [
              "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----------END CERTIFICATE-----"
          subjects: [
                  commonName: "intermediateCommonName",
                  organization: "intermediateOrganization",
                  organizationUnit: "intermediateOrganizationUnit",
                  country: "ES"
    var validationFailed = box.certificates.service.validateX509CertificateChain(certificateChain);

How to flattenFailedValidations (from unit test)

cryptolib('certificates', function(box) {
    var failedValidations = box.certificates.service.validateX509CertificateChain(certificateChain);
    var flattenFailedValidations = box.certificates.service.flattenFailedValidations(failedValidations);

Proof service

Unit tests (files named '*.spec.js') are another good starting point in order to find examples of JS code snippets involving CryptoLib JS, at location:

How to createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof:

var proof = box.proofs.service.createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof(
                    primaryCiphertext, primaryPublicKey, witness, secondaryCiphertext,
                    secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup);

How to createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof with precomputed values:

 var preComputedValues = box.proofs.service.preComputeSimplePlaintextEqualityProof(
                    primaryPublicKey, secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup);
 var proof = box.proofs.service.createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof(
                    primaryCiphertext, primaryPublicKey, witness, secondaryCiphertext,
                    secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup, preComputedValues);

preComputedValues´s type is box.proofs.ProofPreComputedValues.

How to createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof with progress meter:

var proof = box.proofs.service.createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof(
                    primaryCiphertext, primaryPublicKey, witness, secondaryCiphertext,
                    secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup, progressCallback, progressPercentMinCheckInterval);

How to createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof with precomputed values with progress meter:

 var preComputedValues = box.proofs.service.preComputeSimplePlaintextEqualityProof(
                    primaryPublicKey, secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup, progressCallback, progressPercentMinCheckInterval);
 var proof = box.proofs.service.createSimplePlaintextEqualityProof(
                    primaryCiphertext, primaryPublicKey, witness, secondaryCiphertext,
                    secondaryPublicKey, zpSubgroup, preComputedValues);

More examples

More examples of html pages used by QA can be found at 2 places:

Library technical design

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Use of conventional-changelog grunt plugin Read more », based by this commit conventions Read more »