Swisspost 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication 6 years ago
src 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication 6 years ago
LICENSE 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication 6 years ago 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication 6 years ago
pom.xml 460d0e0780 sVote source code publication 6 years ago

sVote error management module

The error management module helps manage errors produced during the execution of discrete parts of the code. An error management policy defines the behaviour of a function when it does not end successfully. The usual case for this situation will be to periodically retry the action until successful.

As an example, the following snippet illustrates a function that will be called a few times before considering it has failed. This might help in an environment with faulty network connections.

final retries = 10;
PersistentErrorManagementPolicy policy = new PersistentErrorManagementPolicy(retries);
try {
    policy.manage(() -> quoteService.getQuote());
} catch (HttpException e) {
    System.out.printf('The quote could not be retrieved even after %d attempts', retries);

An implementation can also define a number of exceptions that should not be managed, letting the function fail immediately instead.

TimedErrorManagementPolicy policy = new TimedErrorManagementPolicy(5, ChronoUnit.MINUTES, HttpException.class);
try {
    policy.manage(() -> quoteService.getQuote());
} catch (HttpException e) {
    System.out.printf('The HTTP service is not available. No retries will be attempted');
} catch (OtherException other) {
// [...]

Fallible function

The function to run should be encapsulated as FallibleFunction, a functional interface that throws Exception. Users of the module are encouraged to subclass both ExecutionPolicy and FallibleFunction so that it throws a more concrete exception.